Free Christmas Stories
Place an order including at least one Christmas item before October 31 and receive the wonderful book CHRISTMAS STORIES for free! Perfect for in-store holiday story time or to give to an employee for Christmas!
31 wonderful stories
Christmas stories
This album will transport young and old into the magical world of the holiday season.
This collection includes 31 stories, 24 originals and 7 of the best-known classic tales!
An audio version of the tales is available for download, with the voices of Charles Lafortune, Mélanie Maynard, Catherine Trudeau, Sonia Vachon, France Castel, Hélène Florent, Brigitte Lafleur, Geneviève Brouillette, Isabelle Blais, Sophie Prégent, Sylvie Moreau and Camille Felton.
Shop our Christmas items to take advantage of this offer ↓
Did you know that we offer the possibility of returning Christmas items until March 31, 2024? Place your holiday order with peace of mind thanks to our product return policy.
View our policy